Rychiger Canada O/A Nuspark Inc.
400 Steeprock Drive, Toronto
Ontario, Canada, M3J 2X1
To receive more information on NUSPARK products or services, please complete and submit the form below.
A representative of NUSPARK will then contact you regarding your specific request using the information provided.
Larry McGovern (Southern IN, KY, TN)
Local: 513-825-1550
Toll Free: 800-555-1781
Cell: 513-702-8658
Email: larry@belcorpinc.com
Ed Kraft (Northern IN, IL, MI, OH, WI)
Local: 513-825-1550
Toll Free: 800-555-1781
Cell: 513-702-8659
Fax: 513-825-1896
Email: ed@belcorpinc.com
David Rossman (NV, Northern CA, Southern CA: South and East of Los Angeles)
Cell: 415-328-9453
Fax: 415-892-3642
Email: david@kingpac.com
Chip Barcus (Los Angeles and Central CA coast)
Email: chip@kingpac.com
Herb Olson (OR, WA, ID, UT)
Cell: 503-341-7406
Fax: 503-366-4552
Email: herb@kingpac.com
Lee Smith (AZ) (NM)
Email: Lee@kingpac.com
Jason Peck (PA, NY, NJ, MD, VA, DE)
Cell: 610-731-5769
Email: jason@exigo-inc.com
Bill Cairns (TX, NM, OK, AR, LA)
Email: Bill@bcmgroup.net
Maciej (Matt) Kaczmarek
416 663 7071 x324
Email: sales@nuspark.com
Alex Bialler
416 663 7071 x326
Email: sales@nuspark.com
Michael Raitsin
416 663 7071 x338
Email: sales@nuspark.com